Debugging a Hardware Panic
So, a server rebooted. Perhaps I’ve been lucky in the developers I work with, but whenever a host reboots, I always think hardware failure first. I treated this case no differently and jumped onto the host to run some quick diagnostics.
Since I deal in Dell equipment, my first stop is always check_openmanage
. It gives a quick report on CPUs, DIMMs, chassis, power supplies, etc from the command line and takes about 30 seconds to run. It rarely fails me.
However, this time it did. Everything returned [OK]
. No hardware failures.
I double-checked this claim on the iDRAC, just in case this was the one time in history a GUI was more correct than the modules running directly on the box. Nope, everything was green.
So I loaded up the kernel dump.
Fatal Hardware Error!
There are plenty of guides out there on how to setup and run crash
. If you’re reading this blog post, I assume you already got that far. If not, this guide is pretty good. Of course, if you haven’t configured your system to record dumps in the first place, take this as a lesson learned and do that ASAP.
I ran crash
on the dump and it spat out this:
“Fatal hardware error!"
so something had failed. But my diagnostics didn’t agree.
I spent the next several hours down in the weeds.
Running bt
gives you the stack trace of the active tasks at the time of the panic:
In this case, the failure happened in driver method intel_idle
at offset 177. This is usually where you decompile the kernel code (or throw the server away and go back to sleep) but I found the code online instead. The intel_idle
driver forces CPUs into the lowest activity level when not in use instead of keeping the core warm. It’s meant to boost energy efficiency on your hardware, but I don’t care for the performance hit. In this case it looked like the method had failed to store CPU state for some reason, causing the panic. However, the server was running now and this seemed to be a one-off machine goblin occurrence.
Except a few hours later, when it crashed again.
And again.
And again.
“Fatal hardware error!"
each time. Yet everything was coming up [OK]
. What was failing? Was it the intel_idle
driver? It ran on other hosts without issue. Why was it breaking here?
Protip: trust the kernel.
The ESM Log
So, let’s cut to the chase. What was the issue and how did I find it?
The secret here is the ESM log. ESM stands for Embedded System Management and is sometimes known as the System Event Log. It logs every hardware-level event, even harmless ones, and it showed a critical failure on this host.
How did I find this? I didn’t. It turns out, an engineer on a completely different team had seen esmlog
show up in dmesg
one day and didn’t know what it was. And as he was learning about it, he just so happened to pick my troubled host to investigate.
Curiosity is awesome.
bus 0 device 3 function 0
refers to a location on the PCI. You can dig into this further with lspci
So the failure was on the PCI itself. The intel_idle
failure made more sense now: the processes were unable to share state across the bus.
You can also run a super detailed command on this device location:
Which gave me, among many other things, this:
I put in a request for a new SH7757 PCIe Switch and that was that.
So, I debugged the kernel panic. But, there were gaps in my diagnostics that had me looking in the wrong places for hours. How do I prevent that from happening again?
You can get ESM log data from the check_openmanage
command, but it isn’t included by default because the log itself is so noisy. However, I wanted visibility into the log, so I wrote a custom nrpe
check to poll the ESM log and port it into Nagios. It doesn’t give details to the failures themselves, just if there are CRITICAL
events on a host. It also doesn’t page people; if the failure is bad enough that the host reboots, we’ll know anyway.
So, why have the check if you’re not going to page on it? The developers I work with don’t have root access or deep systems knowledge, but they do have Nagios logins. And I would much prefer getting a page that says, “A server rebooted and I see a CRITICAL
ESM log message in Nagios” vs “A server rebooted and lol idk.” Proper alerting is an art.
We haven’t needed the ESM log monitoring yet (fingers crossed!) but I’m glad the developers have access to it anyway. My future wishlist includes writing automation to clear the ESM log after a period of time, so only fresh events appear. Otherwise you need to manually clear the log after an incident.
I hope this post has been helpful. Now go back to bed.